Window Grants for Homeowners

Grants may be available towards the cost of repairing and upgrading historic windows. Guidance can be obtained from your Local Authority (LA) Planning Department in the first instance.

Where an area has been designated a conservation area and classified as outstanding for the purposes of grant, a number of LAs have set up Town Schemes. These schemes are jointly funded by the respective LA and Historic Scotland and provide grants to assist with modest schemes of repair to building elements such as sash and case windows.

Your LA will be able to advise whether a Town Scheme has been set up in your area or whether there are plans to do so. Historic Scotland also administers a major programme of building repair grants throughout Scotland for buildings of outstanding architectural or historic importance, or key buildings within outstanding conservation areas.

If your building is in need of major repairs you may be eligible to apply.

For further information and advice telephone 0131 668 8801, Email or you can visit